How To Play Red Dog

Red Dog
This is a simple, fast moving game played with four dice, stakes, and requires throwing cups.
This is a simple, fast moving game played with four dice, stakes, and requires throwing cups. Play: Players decide on a minimum bet and an ante amount. One player then puts up a pot and rolls two dice with a throwing cup and keeps them concealed. How to Play Red Dog. Collect a £50 bet offer. Collect a £50 bet offer. Oasis Poker Professional Series.

Players decide on a minimum bet and an ante amount. One player then puts up a pot and rolls two dice with a throwing cup and keeps them concealed. The other players then, in turn, roll the other two dice and wager that they have a higher total of two dice than the one concealed. They can wager any amount from the minimum to the sum of the pot or they may pass by paying up the ante amount. Once a wager has been made the dice are revealed and the player with the highest total, wins the game and takes the wager. In the case of a tie, the original thrower who put up the pot, wins the game and takes the other player's wager.
How To Play Red Dog Blue Dog
The following list gives an idea about when to bet and when to ante up and pass.
How To Play Red Dog
2 - 5 Ante up and pass
6 Odds against winning are 2.6 to 1
7 Odds against winning are 1.4 to 1
8 Odds in favour of winning are 1.4 to 1
9 Odds in favour of winning are 2.6 to 1
10 Odds in favour of winning are 5 to 1
11 Odds in favour of winning are 11 to 1
12 Odds in favour of winning are 35 to 1